First things first……

Life began and it became a maze of discovery, decision and indecision, trial and many errors (I think, but not sure who made those judgements!), growth and intelligence and maybe a touch of sentiment and compassion.

I have decided to do some creative writing, in my own way anyway, I’ve always done things in my own way! I was told this from an early age and whilst I’ve always enjoyed learning new things, seeing how things work, listening to others and developing new strategies ….. I’ve always wanted to do it in my own way!

What qualifies me to speak as I do?

Well nothing really, I’m not sure what qualifications you need to babble on about stuff to no-one in particular but maybe someone will be interested in helping me to put things in order.

Who am I?

I am an ordinary person of the female kind in about the middle age category of average build with a modified hair colour and reasonably ageing skin!

I am quite intelligent, I think, ambitious – sort of at the moment, I have a wide taste in ‘everything’ and I have a very good sense of humour which is the mainstay of my life!

What is this all about then?

My quest is to sort out all this ‘mush’ in my brain and try and make sense of who I am, what I am doing and where I need to go. I have many unanswered questions about life in general particularly ‘what does it all mean?’ I have much more to give but I don’t know what that is yet so if you can help me along the way I would thoroughly appreciate some input!

My quest of discovery will begin today and my first research project is to try and fathom out why everyone likes to wear such a lot of black!!!!